Thursday, February 4, 2010

The MTTA Station, New Art Deco

Denver Avenue Station of the Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority

The Denver Avenue bus station opened in 1998 to replace a much older facility. It is the main station located in downtown Tulsa at 319 S. Denver. It was constructed in an updated Art Deco style with a round canopy which goes all around the building. It is very attractive building although today's gloomy weather does not do it justice. The glass block tower lights up at night.


  1. I have always kind of liked the building although some have criticized it as not being authentic. I think the building fits in pretty nicely in the area. Its a lot better than what they had before.

  2. Bus stations are interesting places in North America. There are still a hub and lively places with plenty of interesting people.

  3. Your bus station has a lot more character than Leeds which is a dull, drab, soulless place and one which is better to leave than arrive!

  4. incredible what you can do from your car, the composition is good with the tall building at the right place.

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  6. Bus stations and such always holds such interesting images and candids.

  7. Bill, the template I use is Minima but I have altered some of the HTML to customise. For example, I have the overall template set to 925 with Main set to 650 and Sidebar to 250. I have removed the borders around the Heading and changed the font to Papyrus. I have made the line around images =2 and removed the padding so that the line is right next to the image. The images I use are sized at either 640 or 320 pixels and I always use HTML tables to display them the way I want them. To change HTML you go into Customise, and the button is next to the Change Template button.

  8. Wow, I haven't even seen this yet and I live in Owasso! You must get out and about quite often because you have spectacular photos of Tulsa! I'm very impressed.

  9. We love Art Deco.
    And it's important to keep this architeture for the generations to come.
    A very goos example is SOBE in Miami Beach.


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