Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Sycamore tree, Riverpark at 41st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Here are more SEPIA SCENES

(Original taken 12/21/2009)


  1. Like this but think I would prefer it in colour to get more contrast in that magnificent tree.

  2. It almost looks alive. I like the similiarity between the texture of the bark and that of the ground.

  3. no, I like the b&w. a bit creepy and cool.

  4. That is an awesome tree! I like it in b/w too, very effective

  5. This is a great tree. I think that the 'color' choice helps to add to the sense of age.
    Happy WW!

  6. Beautiful photo. I love the high contrast in the sepia tone., with the branches and "dots" making an interesting texture.

  7. I like seeing both versions. I enjoy what you're doing with the sepia, but it was fun to see both today.

  8. What I wanted you to see was the contrast in the dark and light areas of the tree trunk. I think that showed up better in Sepia.

  9. That's a lovely shot, I like the textures.

  10. Beautiful sepia! I like this version best, yes contrast is lower but it's softer.

  11. I am fascinated by the beauty of trees ... what would we do without them! Come to think of it perhaps we are seeing a little of the answer to the question over at SW at the moment. Thank you for showing your lovely tree


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