Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

After I posted the color version I looked at it in black and white. I decided it was stronger in B&W. What do you think?

Interstate 44 over the Arkansas River in Tulsa, Oklahoma

More Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Hi,
    Good perspective, endless. Good job!

  2. The river is so low without even much snow. Happy NY & WW

  3. Great photo! This would be at home on our site - highways and infrastructure are a common theme in our photos. Well done.

  4. Really good perspective here, Bill. Actually, that is a whole lot of concrete, yes?

    But once again, good eye to see it and good eye to take it.

  5. I really like this capture. Of course, I can remember when you couldn't get this close to the river because of the smell. Have a wonderful Wordless Wednesday.

  6. I've run by that scene a gazillion times.

  7. Great picture of an interesting place. Excellent.

  8. From this perspective, this looks like it could have been taken in Greece! Good eye!

    Happy new year!

  9. My preference is definitely black and white. I can remember when B & W were the only colours of choice in photography!!!


  10. Not quite yet, I think, Bill. I would want the blacks to be blacker. That is to have a more definite range of the grey. You could increase the contrast in something like Picasa and see how it goes. Having said that, though, this is the sort of image that travels well in monochrome because the vanishing perspective is so dominant. Try another one and submit it to Aileni's Monochrome Weekend and see what other folk think, too.

  11. No contest. The B&W version is best. Happy New Year.

  12. Agree with you the B&W version gives the image a lot more strength and it appears as if there are fewer distractions - nice one! Gena @ thinking aloud


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