Saturday, December 26, 2009

Snow on Christmas Morning

Christmas morning in Tulsa

See more of the world in monochrome
at The Monochrome Weekly, by Aileni.


  1. Your weather is sufficiently bad to be mentioned on the English news. Do hope everyone managed to get to your home to enjoy Christmas Day with you and Susan.

    Beautiful picture of pristine snow.
    At my age, best viewed from the warmth of the living room!


  2. Bill I like the monochrome shot. I was going to take some pictures but lol I couldnt even get off the front porch, snow is too deep.

  3. At least the sun is shining.
    I sorted the problem.

  4. That is just crying out for a child's footprints and a very large snowman, perhaps with a snow angel or two thrown in.

  5. That has a nice nostalgic 50's thing for it.

  6. A veritable 'blanket of snow'.

  7. We had a lot of snow last week, children was very happy, driving for go to work was quite difficult but, it's very beautifull to see our country with a blanket of snow,

  8. I like the way you captured the early morning light Bill. I think the mood is perfect. Thanks for dropping by and visiting. Have a happy and prosperous new year.

  9. Stunning-high five to us for owning such a great camera!

  10. Stunning light and shadow coming off that tree on the LHS, Bill. I am so pleased that you used a wide angle for this one to show the expanse of virgin snow. Very effective.

    Once again, health and happiness for 2010.

  11. I took this from my front porch so I wouldn't put footprints on it. Our grandchildren trampled it later in the day when they came for Christmas dinner.

  12. Looks like a very beautiful white Christmas! Have a good one and enjoy with family and good friends!

  13. Wow! So sweet and soft... I love the snow when it's that way, unmarked. My best wishes to you and the ones you love.

  14. Good to see you having a white Christmas too!

    Thanks for your visit and greetings! and that doesn't goes only for the last one, but for all of yours who have enriches the subject of my post! So like you, I say: It has been a nice year blogging with you!

  15. How so pretty!

    Better than our freezing rain. Yuck.

  16. Lovely pristine shadowy mono shot! Thanks for visiting. I wish you all the best for 2010!


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