Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Christmas Tree is Up

Our little tree is up, the creche is lit, and it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our house.

Molly and Will came over after church, we sent out for Pizza, and they helped decorate our tree. Just a small tree this year but it is the thought that counts eh?


  1. That tree may be small but it is mighty.
    Great tree in my view.

  2. Much bigger than the tree that I don't have in my living room, Bill.

    I love to see young children working with grandparents to keep a family tradition going. This is what, for me, is the important bit.

  3. That's a beautiful tree and with Will and Molly evokes the real spirit of Christmas.


  4. Petit ou non, c'est le geste et le symbole qui comptent, non ?
    Et puis cela ajoute à la magie de Noël !

  5. Hello,
    Smal or big, the most important thing is your heart and I know, your heart is large !

    We will do our christmas tree on saturday... I Will take some pictures

  6. Mine is small, too. Nothing wrong with that. You just have to love it; that's all that matters. I love your tree. How awesome that the grandkids helped you get in the holiday spirit!

  7. Cute!

    I haven't had a Xmas tree since I came to Canada but I remember how much I love decorating it when I was a kid.


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