Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Parting Splash of Color

Almost all the deciduous trees are bare now. The one exception are the October Glory maples. They really stand out. Here is a long row of them in full flame.


  1. What wonderfull color ! you are very lucky to leave in a country who have trees with all of this colors !
    Excuse me if I don't come often but I thinking of you very often !
    Have a nice day, tomorrow I will go to Paris for two days If I saw Eiffel tower, i will give her a kiss from you !

  2. Excellent photo. I have planted October Glory, Autumn Blaze and Crimson King maples in my yard. They are now 6 years old and just starting to show their possibilities. A few more years and the color will be spectacular.

  3. Beautiful! This is what Ottawa looked like... over a month ago.


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