Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Friend Ed

On the left is my good friend Ed Minich. We are celebrating Smokey's ninth birthday back in June of this year. Ed is one of the guys who come over to my house every Monday night for a men's prayer and share group. We have been friends for about 12 years. We met when we were both on a Kairos Prison Ministry team. Since then we have spent many 4-day weekends together working with men in prison.

Back in July, Ed was diagnosed with brain cancer and on July 22 he had surgery to remove the tumor. After some time recuperating from the surgery he began an aggressive regimen of chemo and radiation therapy beginning the end of August. By the end of September he was too weak to care for himself and was hospitalized. After a few ups and downs he developed pneumonia and began a downward spiral. Ed was a strong and determined man but died this morning at about 11:30.

Ed was a realist. He knew what was going on and what his chances were. His primary concern was for his wife and family. He faced his situation with courage and resolve. He was one of the bravest men I have ever known. He was a wonderful friend.


  1. So very sorry for the loss of your friend. God bless.

  2. I'm in tears here for Ed, Bob and the family. You will know I have been commenting on son Bob's updates on his Dad's progress and problems and feel I too have lost someone dear.

    The blog is such a wonderful thing in bringing people from all over the world together. Please convey my condolences to Bob when you go to the funeral and tell him I feel for him and you too, losing such a good friend.


  3. Il est très triste de perdre un grand ami. Nos pensées vont vers sa femme et sa famille. Je sais qu'ils pourront compter sur vous deux, Bill et Susan, pour traverser ses moments difficiles. Je suis de tout coeur avec vous tous.

  4. While I am sorry for your loss of a friend, we can rejoice because he was ready to face eternity and now rests in the arms of his savior.

  5. I am sorry for your loss of your friend..I followed his blog some through you and admired his courage..
    God Bless..

  6. My heart skipped a beat this morning as I heard the words of Ed's passing. He was a man of truth, compassion and the willingness to take action! Considered one of our family he shared in the lives of our children and the joy of the births of our granddaughters. It was a blessing to share a conversation with Ed, I was always anxious for the next one. He was blessed with the talent of giving inspiration to those who knew him! He was my friend and I will miss him everyday forever.

  7. Great testament to your friend. I am sorry for your loss. He seems like a really nice guy.

  8. I was glad that you were able to visit him one last time, about an hour before he died. My life has forever been touched by our dad.
    I loved him so very much and the feeling of loss is so very deep right now.
    My own father died when I was 30, but he was never close to us. Ed stepped into my life at 31, and became my dad.
    I never knew you could love somebody so deeply.
    He is greatly missed.

    It was a pleasure metting many of you at the funeral.

  9. Thanks for the testimony to Ed. He was a great man and I too, loved him and his son dearly. I know they are together with the Lord. Love your blog.


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