Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Season Changes

The rain is back today and it has been cool and damp. But we are consoled by more and more colorful foliage. Tulsa has 4 seasons and we are enjoying a lovely Autumn. Our friend Renny likes to tell us about the seasons in Norway. They have a longer Winter and we have a longer Summer but we both enjoy the change in weather.


  1. Hello !

    Ici aussi il pleut sans discontinuer depuis trois jours mais c'est la saison...
    Les couleurs d'automne ne sont pas encore véritablement arrivées sur les arbres mais cela ne saurait tarder.
    Bisous à vous deux et caresses à Smokey.

  2. Those colours are stunning - far better than here in Yorkshire.

    Do tell, did you take the photograph of the Halloween lady?
    You certainly got a brilliant response from your fans.


  3. Great pictures. I love the brilliant colors. Pretty soon we'll get a wind and they'll be down overnight.

  4. Pictures are beautiful!!! I will not get tired of them...


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