Thursday, October 29, 2009

Route 66 Roadtrip: Day 6, Santa Rosa, NM to Santa Fe, NM

No sooner had we started out this morning and I discover that my camera's batteries are dead and and so are my spares. So here is one from my iPhone. Not a bad picture from a phone camera. We stopped at a gas station and bought some AA batteries.

As we drove to Santa Fe we used old route 66 when we could. We used Highway 84 which was built on top of 66 for a good bit of the way. When they separated they ran adjacent to each other so it really didn't matter which we were on. This is on 66 and would make a great example of the "vanishing point" in an art class.

This is such beautiful country that you can point your camera in most any direction and take a good picture. I took far more photos than I can use here. You will see them sneak in as time goes by.

As we drive north the terrain becomes more mountainous. By the time we get to Santa Fe we will be at about 7000 feet (2134 meters).

We stopped to visit the Pecos National Historical Park in Pecos, New Mexico. There is a very nice visitors center with tours. Since the hike was a bit too much for me even with my new chair, we were allowed to drive up to the main attraction which is the ruins of a Pueblo village and Mission.

There was a sophisticated society here at one time. The park has a good website if you would like to know more. Link to Pecos National Park.

This area is also home to a well known Baptist Conference Center.

Enormous cumulus clouds kept rolling by. We passed in and out of sunshine then it began to spit rain.

We decided that we would not mind living in this house.

By the time we arrived in Santa Fe it began to snow, a few flurries at first then rather heavy. Not the sort of weather we had in mind for looking at the many shops and attractions of Santa Fe.

Susan took advantage of a break in the snow to take Smokey for a walk. He has been a good traveler. After a break we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant called Tortilla Flats. This was recommended by the guide book we are using and was excellent. While we were eating it continued to snow. It melted on the streets but covered the grass and autos with a thin layer of white. The forecast is for it to clear off tomorrow and we are hoping that is correct.

Our plan for tomorrow (weather permitting) is to go down town and go through the many shops and attractions in Santa Fe. When my son David was stationed in Albuquerque with the Air Force I came up here with him and we had a nice time. Susan has never been here before and we are hoping for some decent weather.


  1. I had been thinking what beautiful weather you were having on this Route 66 trip and, low and behold, snow!!!!! Hope you've got your winter underwear in the suitcase.


  2. This is just a wonderful journey that you're sharing.

  3. Great pictures especially the one with the house with the mountains cascading behind it.

    As a little kid we lived in Pecos at the Forest Service Ranger Station. I have a picture of me sitting on the fence in front of the station with my Dad in his uniform.

  4. This is such beautiful country that I think living here even as a small boy would predispose a person to respond to beauty.

  5. It's been years since I've been in New Mexico; you are reminding me of how gorgeous it is. Hope the weather clears off for you.

  6. I'm amazed how the climate and nature changes, as you so well document here.
    (We have had snow in Oslo since yesterday - at Sea Level)
    Reminds me when we went from East Washington State and down the Colombia River Gorge.
    From arrid to wet in only one long curve along the River.

    Batteries and Cameras - haha - I know all about that. And in the past I have as well used my iPhone 3G s. Not a Nikon, but ok for web-publishing.


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