Thursday, October 8, 2009

Autumn Cannas

Red King Humbert...................Yellow King Humbert

Richard Wallace....................City of Portland

When the weather turns cooler the roses and cannas are refreshed for one last show before frost.
Click to enlarge


  1. I looked up Canna on Google and all I got was info. on cannabis!!!!

    Those flower heads look like our gladioli (same colouring etc.) but I'm sure yours must be something different.

    Lovely autumnal colours. Have you finished your cake?


  2. I love Canna's.

    For a time in the late 1980's they grew them commericially all over the place in western Oklahoma. I loved driving by the fields.

  3. I ordered these from Horn Canna Farm which is out west near Lawton.

    Anne - Here is their catalog:

  4. Bonjour.

    De très douces couleurs pour ces cannas...
    Encore bon anniversaire pour hier <3 <3 <3


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