Friday, September 18, 2009

Knock Knock, Who's There?

Why it's my friend Smokey at my back door. Come in Dog.


  1. Hello good old dog !! you look very well. Unfortunally our dog is very ill, he is old too (eleven years old) I think the end is near for him. It's very sad but we can't edo anything to get him younger ..
    Have a nice Smokey
    ... and kisss for Bill, Susan and the all familly

  2. Looks like a nice fellow and how lucky he is to have a friend like you to visit :-)

    Happy Weekend!

  3. I'm sorry for your dog Micki. They become a member of your family. Smokey is 9 and in good health but he sleeps a lot. I hate to think about him passing. He sleeps on our bed.

  4. Was he in the dog house? ;-)

  5. Smokey only goes out to pee and poop. He is a confirmed house dog. His usual spot in in the center of our king size bed.


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