Monday, August 3, 2009

The Golden Driller

The "Golden Driller" is an iconic statue which stands 76 feet (23 meters) tall. The statue's right hand rests on a real oil derrick. It stands in front of what was called the Oil Exposition Center, or IPE Building when it was built in 1966 to be the home of the International Petroleum Exposition. At that time Tulsa called itself "the Oil Capital of the World". The exposition was last held in 1979 after much of the oil industry had migrated to Houston. Since then the center has been host to many large trade shows. If the oil industry has moved the Golden Driller has remained.

Did you notice Molly and Willy resting near the driller's shoe? In case you missed them here is a better view.


  1. Wow! That's one tall guy! I like to sculpt but I don't think I will make anything that large anytime soon! Great photo.

  2. The Golden Driller is my favorite thing to see in Tulsa. I especially love when they dress him up in a tee-shirt for different events (OSU Tulsa's graduation is the most recent event to come to mind).

  3. That is about as good a photo of the driller as I have ever seen.

  4. Wow, that's... huge!

    In my head, I had always associated Texas with oil, not Oklahoma.

  5. He's huge but not particularly handsome! Perhaps when he's dressed in his finery you could take another picture?

    I finally got round to doing your jigsaw today (Tuesday a.m.) 16.5 mins. Longer than anticipated!!!


  6. Hello,
    I just returned from holydays, and I greet you pass. I went through your blog and I am much interested in the Cathedral of the Osage. Do you know that Father Jacques Marquette was born in Laon, 15 km from where I live?
    I'm glad to see that Willy and Molly are doing well at the foot of this impressive statue!
    see you
    Friends and family in your kiss to Smokey

  7. @Sarah - Yes, the Driller is a big fellow. Thanks for visiting.

    @Sunshine - I have seen him dressed. How do they get a t-shirt on him?

    @Yogi - Thank you. From a distance the kids look like he has stepped in something. They had not seen him before so it was a fun picture.

    @Zhu - Back in the eary 1900s Tulsa was the hub of theoil industry. Now that has shifted mostly to Houston, Texas, so you are right. There is still quite a lot in Tulsa.

    @Anne - If you can do the jigsaw that fast I need to make the next one a little more challenging.

    @Micki - It is so nice to have you back. Post some pictures of your holiday.


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