Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School

Today is the first day of school for Willy and Molly. Here they are, bright and early in the morning, dressed in their new school uniforms on their way to class. Everything is new for them -- a new home, new clothes, new school, new friends. They are maybe a little nervous but mostly excited in a positive way. They are very bright resourceful kids and will do just fine I think.

Will is in the fourth grade and his school is 4 blocks away and easily within walking distance. Sue walked with him this morning and back this afternoon. Tomorrow he will walk by himself. Molly is in the sixth grade and in middle school. Her school is about 4 miles from home and she will ride in a school bus that stops in the neighborhood. Sue also took her and picked her up the first day because she was unsure about which bus she should take. She figured that out today and will use the bus tomorrow. They are both excited to be getting themselves to school and back. That is another new thing and a step towards being independent.

They came back saying that they had a good first day. The teachers were "OK", and they made a few new friends. They were both positive about it. Molly's school is very large and she got lost a couple of times but did fine. It's all good.


  1. Nice pair of kids. I hope that they enjoy their school year.

  2. En Oklahoma, la rentrée des classes se fait deux semaines avant la France. Ici, ce sera le 2, je crois.
    Maintenant, Will et Molly habitent Tulsa ?
    Les uniformes sont seyants et je regrette qu'en France cela ne se fasse pas car cela donne une unité égalitaire aux enfants.

  3. The children look so smart in their uniforms - I do hope they enjoy their new schools.


  4. La fille de Susan et ses deux enfants sont venus vivre avec nous au début de Juin. Leur père travaille dans le Missouri et a visité plusieurs fois. Ils ont des problèmes financiers et les problèmes conjugaux et nous essayons de les aider à se remettre sur pieds. Cela a été une contrainte sur tout le monde mais il est surtout pour les enfants. Les parents ont fait beaucoup de mauvaises décisions et les enfants vivent avec les résultats. Nous aimons les enfants.

  5. School, already? It stats early over there! When I was in France, it always started the second week of Sept.


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