Saturday, July 18, 2009

Harwelden Sculptures

The Harwelden Mansion is the former home of Mary and Earl Harwell built in 1926. It is now home to the Arts and Humanities council of Tulsa. On its grounds are two sculptures. The first is a handsome and whimsical figure playing a flute. He is dancing and has a pair of drama masks hanging around his neck. Clearly he represents the performing arts.

He also looks like he is thoroughly enjoying himself.

The other is the Arts and Humanities version of the Tulsa penguin. About 10 years ago the Tulsa Zoo raised money for a new penguin exhibit by selling a number of 6 foot tall white fiberglass penguins to various businesses, churches, and individuals to decorate as they wished. Later many of them were auctioned off to raise more money for the zoo. First there were Cows in chicago and New York, Pigs in Seattle, Horses in Rochester, and now Penguins in Tulsa. There should be pictures of all them somewhere on the internet but I couldn't find it. You can see some of them HERE. or search google images HERE.


  1. Nice sculptures! I love the penguin, even though it must be hot in Tulsa!

  2. Bonjour,
    j'adore ces pingouins, je suis allée voir des images du zoo de Tulsa, il a l'air intéressant. Très bonne idée ces pingouins pour récolter de l'argent !
    J'aime beaucoup l'autre sculpture aussi, cet homme semble danser dans les airs


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