Monday, June 22, 2009

Tulsa Fire Alarm Building

The Tulsa Fire Alarm Building is a historic Art Deco building in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was built in 1931 and served as the central reporting station for the Tulsa Fire Department. Fires were reported from alarm boxes spread around town to this building and the firemen in this building would alert the fire station closest to the fire. At the time of its construction this system was the best available alarm system.

The building was used by the Tulsa Fire department from its construction until 1984 when it was left vacant and fell into disrepair. In 1994, it was purchased by the Tulsa Preservation Commission. In 2000, the The American Lung Association of Oklahoma purchased the building as its new headquarters. After a $5 million fund-raising campaign, the renovation of the building was completed in 2005. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2003.

The building was designed by architect Frederick V. Kershner and inspired by a Mayan temple design. The building has an extensive terra cotta frieze program, with several fire-related motifs. A recurring theme on the front facade is a double-headed dragon. The large frieze over the front door has a male figure holding in his hands Gamewell alarm tape (part of the first alarm system used in this building) who is flanked by two helmeted firefighters. (History courtesy of Wikpedia)


  1. Beautiful building which looks far too good for a "fire alarm" building.
    I have discovered we have a brilliant system over here for the free use of anyone. I opened my door to two large (very young) firemen the other day who were checking my fire alarms and giving me fire drill for escaping my apartment in case of fire etc. They noticed I wear hearing aids and lo and behold, I now have a "thing" under my pillow which vibrates and another "thing" on my bedside table which flashes very brightly to alert me in case of fire whilst I am asleep. All free of charge.
    Wonderful service.


  2. I had no idea what this building was. Thanks for enlightening me. It's so nice to be able to learn about the city and it's history.

  3. I'm amazed to see how much you know about Tulsa. You should be paid to promote the city!

    Interesting building anyway. Inspired by a Maya temple? That is cool! Do you have pyramids too? ;)

  4. It remindes some soviet building of the same age


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