Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cara's Josh is Nine

Luke's girlfriend Cara has her son Joshua for most of the summer. He celebrated his 9th birthday today with a Nerf Gun party at the Blue Dome Diner. The restaurant closes at 2:00 and the party started at 2:30. Josh got some presents. We gave him a nice Magna Lite flashlight. Every boy needs his very own flashlight.

Then we enjoyed cake and ice cream.

The funnest thing they did was have a Nerf Gun war. The kids were told to bring their nerf guns There were extras in case the kid didn't have one. In case you don't know, a Nerf Gun is a toy gun that fires little sponge rubber "bullets" about the size of a small tube of lipstick. The banquet room of the restaurant has lots of tables and chairs and places to hide and ambush each other. They ran around and had a good time.


  1. Que voilà un anniversaire heureux et joyeux ! 9 ans ! Le bel âge de l'enfance.

  2. This had to be the coolest birthday party ever!

  3. Hello
    Happy birthday Josh !! You had a very fun birthday !! I'd like to do my birthday in this restaurant !! when I saw bill's photos!!! I wonder if I can take a plane to Tulsa and have a breakfast in Luke's restaurant !! The wonderfull restaurant in Tulsa !!
    have a nice day, kisses to you and Susan !!

  4. Micki - If you fly to Tulsa we will take you to Luke's restaurant for walnut blueberry pancakes, special for you!


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