Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Riverpark at 41st St.

The playground is all new with slides, swings, and monkey bars. There are pyramids covered in tough artificial turf to climb and slide on. This is very kid friendly

Here is a panorama which swings from looking South to North.
Click to enlarge

For a long time there has been a little park area where 41st Street runs into Riverside Drive and the Arkansas Riverpark. It had gotten rather run down and was no longer adequate for the number of people using it. It has been totally remodeled with new toilet facilities, playgrounds and picnic areas. There is additional parking, a very nice river overlook area, and lots of new shrubs and trees. A lot of improvements have been made to the running and biking trails all up and down the Riverpark and this section just reopened last week. It is really nice and lots of people were there enjoying it. I helped that this was the first sunny afternoon in over 2 weeks of rain.


  1. Nice panorama!

    I sometimes find North America is much more kid-friendly than Europe.

  2. Europe seems to be a little more old school about kids. We probably spoil ours.

  3. Bonsoir.

    Je n'arrive pas à obtenir le traducteur.
    Il pleut, il pleut, "il tombe des hallebardes".

  4. Very nice panorama! and great playground too.

    I might sound a bit chauvinistic, but since I'm European: To me, the best playground is the nature itself and not the one made of adults - and we have plenty of it :-)

  5. Hello
    C'est toujours agréable d'avoir près de chez soi, un endroit où on peut passer de bons moments en famille, nous avons dans notre village la chance d'avoir un parc avec un étang où nous passons de bons moments !


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