Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lobster Dinner

We shared this feast with our friends Worth and Robbie. It was delicious!

Here they are ready for our dining pleasure. On the side was a nice crisp green salad, curried rice, steamed fresh asparagus with a lemon butter sauce, and some crusty bread and butter.

This would be the "before" picture. Live Maine lobsters ready for the pot of boiling water. No, they do NOT scream. They were happy to be part of our dinner.

Fresh lobster is a rare treat for us. We were given a gift certificate for lobster from Lobster Gram. You tell them what day you want them and they pack them in a cold box and overnight express ship it to arrive on the day you specify. They arrive alive and in beautiful condition, ready for the pot. Included in the package are tools for cracking them over and plastic bibs to keep the juices off of your shirts.


  1. Indeed, lobster is a treat!

    I don't think I ever had it before... although I had écrevisse (crayfish?) and a lot of seafood.

  2. Now you really makes my mouth water. I love seafood in general and lobster in particular. Here is one of a lot of my posts about it.

    I really liked what you are serving with too.

  3. Zhu - To me lobster and crayfish taste the same. A crayfish (we say crawfish) is a miniature lobster. I think you would like it.

    Renny - Your good wife fixed quite a meal. That is a lot for two people. I love the steamed mussels. This kind of shell fish tends to be expensive most places. Oklahoma is a long way from any ocean so this is really a treat for us. Bon appetite!

  4. That looks absolutely delightful - I totally adore lobster, crab, crayfish in fact anything with claws!


  5. Bill, "vous me donnez l'eau à la bouche" avec vos langoustes !
    En France, c'est un peu du luxe !
    Bisous à Susanne et vous.

  6. Hello
    Ils ont l'air délicieux, j'adore les crabes, homards et autres fruits de mer. Que vous êtes chanceux de pouvoir déguster ces merveilleux animaux de mer !!
    Bon appétit !

  7. Elleona - Il est un luxe, mais il a été un don de la mère de Susan. Il est un régal rare.

    Anne - I am glad to see you again. I hope you had a nice trip.

  8. Hello Tulsa
    My first job in America was as a dive instructor in Key Largo. Lobster was often on the menu and reading your post reminded me of those sunny, blue water days.
    All the best to you

  9. Your blog is definitely a nice read.. And oh, I love seafoods! :)


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