One of Tulsa's Tattoo Parlors. Tacky but colorful.
Until last year it was not legal to operate a tattoo shop in the state of Oklahoma. Why? This is a very conservative state. How conservative? Oklahoma voted for Republican John McCain by a larger percent than any other state in the union. But now enlightened citizens can get a tattoo without driving to neighboring states Kansas, Arkansas, or Texas. The fact that Oklahoma is even more conservative than Kansas, Arkansas, and Texas is a sobering thought for a liberal Democrat. For all that, it is a great place to live and I love it.
I'm of the generation that dislikes tattoos. When I see pictures in papers of football stars (David Beckham) with yet another tattoo on his torso I can't help but think "more money than sense". I'm a miserable old so and so.
ReplyDeleteI'll give you this though, that parlour is bright.
ReplyDeletela traduction Google ne veut pas s'ouvrir... Serait-elle paresseuse ?!
Plus jeune, j'aurais aimé avoir un petit papillon tatoué sur l'épaule mais le VHC (apparemment disparu) m'interdit ce genre de plaisanterie. Cela dit j'ai horreur des hommes tatoués à outrance et qui donne l'impression d'être une BD ambulante !
Bisous et Joyeuses Pâques ; il pleut ici... :-((
Anne - Perhaps I should not tell you about my tattoos, or about Susans. Yes, it was the bright colors that tempted me to take the photo. This shares the little building with the shop where Smokey gets his monthly bath.
ReplyDeleteElleona - La fille de Susan, beau-fils, petits-enfants et de Molly et Willy est arrivé tard la nuit dernière à passer le week-end de Pâques avec nous. Smokey comme beaucoup. Nous allons aller chercher la mère de Susan dans sa maison de soins infirmiers et tous ensemble à l'église. Après le culte est un brunch. Happy Este!
Oops, there I go opening my big mouth again without thinking that people of my generation also have tattoos!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry if I offended! Just a very personal opinion.
I don't have tattoos myself, but nothing against it...
ReplyDeleteI had never seen tattoos as something liberal though. It has been around for a long long time... I mean, all kind of people have them, from hippies to skinheads!