Monday, April 13, 2009

Neighborhood Tour

I hope you can enjoy a few more spring flowers. Smokey and I drove back through a beautiful neighborhood today and I could have taken a thousand photographs of dogwood trees and azalea bushes. I didn't take a thousand but I took a lot of pictures and they are all lovely. So I put them in a slide show and you can look at them all or pass on by.

I'm really not sure who my audience is. My counter shows that this blog gets 40 or 50 visits each day but only a handful leave comments. Those who comment have become genuine friends and I look forward each day to talking with them. To you I say thank you very much.

Enjoy the Neighborhood Tour of Spring Flowers.


  1. What a lovely way to start the day in Leeds - looking at your slideshow. Apart from the shrubs and trees I found the architecture fascinating and definitely different to what I would see here in England.


  2. Bonsoir.

    Un seul mot s'impose à la vue de votre diaporama : MAGNIFIQUE !
    Ma petite-fille Léna (8ans) regardait avec moi et disait que les maisons ressemblaient à celles des contes de fée ! Quant à l'écureuil, il avait ses suffrages !!!
    Je ne sais pas si je saurais faire un tel diaporama et le mettre ensuite dans le texte... je ne sais même pas me servir de YouTube :-((((


  3. Meant to comment that I have spent a lovely relaxing weekend watching the Masters from Augusta. Apart from the golf being amazing it's the azaleas in full bloom that always make it a must to view in April.



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