Friday, April 17, 2009

My House

There is a pink dogwood tree in front of my house.

I have azaleas and a pink dogwood across the outside of the garden room

After sharing so many photographs of beautiful homes with landscaped gardens, I need to confess that our home is by no means so elaborate. We have a very modest home on the budget edge of a very swanky area. When I moved into this house 16 years ago it needed quite a bit of remodeling and the front and back were totally bare. I have done a lot of work on it both inside and out. When Susan and I married 6 years ago we added the garden room across the back and have done a lot of landscaping. Now it is still modest, but very comfortable and I think perfect for the two of us, three counting Smokey.


  1. What a pretty bungalow (do you have that term)? The housewife in me though thinks, oh my Lord, all those windows to clean!!!!
    A one storey property is so convenient as one matures in years and finds difficulty moving around.
    That's one reason I moved into my first floor flat from a four-bedroom house. That was lovely but far too big when I was widowed plus the fact that we endured eight burglaries and it was the last two, when I was on my own, that finally drove me out. Also the reason why I didn't want a ground floor flat. Here we are 36 flats in three blocks of 12 and I live on the first floor.

    What I have found odd is that people don't socialise as I would have expected. We're so British in keeping ourselves to ourselves!

    Thanks for the overall picture of the outside of your home - it enables one to "see" where you are when photographing the birds on the feeders.


  2. Bungalow is right. a small 2 bed one bath with living room and kitched with dining area. This neighborhood was built in the early 1950s and some of the original owners still live here. It is now young couples with small families. After the second child arrives they go looking for something larger.

    I have never lived in an apartment (flat), although it might be nice to have someone else do the maintenance and mow the lawn. The windows are coated with something that makes them wash off with a hose. Sue has a squeegee thing with a handle that she uses to wash them about once a year. It is nice to be able to see out. I like the openness of the garden room.

    I grew up in a small town knowing who all my neighbors were. I think it is different almost everywhere. People move around a lot and work odd hours. We do not work in the same area where we live and drive from one island to another. More and more we feel isolated.

    My sense of community does not come so much from where I live as from groups of people I associate with, in my case church and AA. Through this blog I am beginning to have a sense of community from the internet. And I think thats OK. People are people no matter where we find them.

    I just got up and need coffee. Have a good day.

  3. Bonjour Bill.

    Je trouve que votre bungalow est très bien et bien suffisant pour 3 (en comptant Smokey).
    Notre modeste maison est aussi des années 1950 mais un peu grande à entretenir (4 chambres) etc. Maintenant que les enfants et petits-enfants sont grands et habitent plus ou moins loin, elle est bien trop vaste pour 2... mais nous avons tant de choses !
    Il faudrait refaire sa vie mode ZEN...

  4. I love the first picture, I can almost smell spring! Ah, the blue sky, the green trees, the warm days and still chilly nights...

    Your house looks lovely.


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