Sunday, April 26, 2009

Marjorie's Special Day

Mark, Susan, Alan and Virginia with Marjorie, the clan matriarch.

We have a house full of family this weekend. Susan's brother Alan and his wife Virginia came from Eastern Maryland, and her son Mark came down from Chicago. We are having a nice dinner today to celebrate Marjorie who is Susan and Alan's mother. Marjorie lives in a retirement facility here in Tulsa, and Alan and Susan are her only children. Marjorie will be 90 in August.

It is especially nice for Mark and his uncle Alan to get together because their paths have not crossed since Mark's wedding 9 years ago. Susan has made a nice pork roast with all the trimmings.


  1. That's a lovely family portrait and one I'm sure Susan's mother would love to have framed.


  2. Bonjour.

    Un dimanche avec repas familial pour le plus grand bonheur de Marjorie qui voyait ses enfants réunis.
    Qu'est-ce que "jelo salad" ?
    Un dessert ou un légume ?
    Je n'ai jamais testé le rôti de porc aux patates douces qu'on trouve peu en France ; cela donne-t-il un plat sucré/salé ?
    La patate douce mangée en Afrique était plutôt sucrée.
    Bisosus à vous deux.

  3. Hello, what a nice dinner I never tast sweet pataoes, i had to eat some in Africa but i never try in France How do you cook it ?
    It's very pleaseant to have familly for dinner, last saturday my parents went at home, my son Vincnet does the Barbecur with his grand father, i telle him that it was only man affair !! Sylvain wasn't at home he was with friends for playing rugby ! so my son cooks sausage et chicken alone with his grand pa' a very good moment ! it was delicious!!

  4. Jello salade est un mélange de chaux gélatine, d'ananas broyés, noix et fromage cottage. Il est un peu sucré et tout va bien avec la viande, le rôti de porc en particulier.

    Les patates douces sont aussi un peu sucrée. Les pommes de terre sont cuites au four avec des tranches de pommes, la cassonade, le beurre et les canneberges séchées. Sur la table est aussi un plat de cuisson des betteraves et des grains entiers, pain et beurre. Nous avons bu du thé glacé, et un vin blanc pour ceux qui ont pris soin de lui.

    Il a été un bon dîner pour une famille, mais pas compliqué. Le menu a été déterminé principalement par ce que Marjorie souhaité.

    Jello salad is a mixture of lime gelatin, Crushed pineapple, chopped walnuts, and cottage cheese. It is a little sweet and goes nicely with any meat, especially roast pork.

    The sweet potatoes are also somewhat sweet. The potatoes are baked with sliced apples, brown sugar, butter and dried cranberries. On the table is also a dish of cooked beets and some whole grain bread and butter. We drank iced tea, and a white wine for those who cared for it.

    It was a nice dinner for a family but not complicated. The menu was determined mainly by what Marjorie liked

  5. I thought lime jello was a dessert!!!!



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