Monday, March 23, 2009

Update on Grandson Grant

We pause our recent series of photos of spring flowers to bring you a special announcement.

Those of you who were readers of this blog back in October will recall a great deal of excitement about the birth of our newest grandchild Grant. His father (Susan's son Paul) had been relocated to Seoul, South Korea leaving wife Beth and 3 year old daughter Amber behind in Maryland. Saint Susan made several trips to the east coast to assist with the new baby, than another trip to Seoul to facilitate the travel. Since then things have calmed down a bit, but Mr. Grant is still going strong. We share a recent photo revealing him to be at the age of 5 months and double his birth weight .  All is well and he is even sleeping through the night.  


  1. That's definitely an aghhhh picture.


  2. Bonjour.

    C'est vrai que Grant a bien grandi et paraît bien éveillé...
    Je me souviens comme nous vous tarabustions pour avoir des nouvelles de cette naissance : nous attendions avec impatience !
    Bonne journée et bisous.

  3. c'est un merveilleux bébé
    quel bonheur de voir bien grandir ses enfants et petits enfants

  4. He is a handsome boy. I see a future football player

  5. He looks like a happy kid!


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