Friday, March 20, 2009

Tulip Tree

The warmer weather is bring more and more blooms out of their winter storage. This is a lovely little Tulip tree. It is a type of magnolia I think but am no expert. I just know it is very pretty.


  1. Hello,
    This tulip tree is very beautifull, in Picardie, we have only one or two flowers grows up ! flowers in trees are for the end of april or may !!

  2. As with Micki, your tulip tree is very early, the one that flowers in the grounds where I live is only just showing green buds. I think they are one of the magnificent flowering shrubs of all. Although, the rhododendrums in May time give a magnificent display.

    A lovely picture that, as they say in England, warms the cockles of your heart!!!!


  3. The tulip month is May in Ottawa, with the huge tulip festival.

    (The food posts are coming this week! I didn't forget :-))


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