Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pink Magnolia

Tulsa's trees are very beautiful at this time of year. This is Pink Magnolia. When these are in bloom, nothing is more beautiful.


  1. For some reason, it reminds me of China. Although I'm not sure it was the same kind of tree...

  2. Zhu, are you thinking of the pink cherry blossom or is that Japan?

    Any blossoming trees are beautiful after the months of bare branches.
    I love it when you begin to see that thin film of green showing the new leaf growth.


  3. Bill, may I use your post to send a message to Micki? Somehow or another I cannot get through again to her blog site. My computer sticks up a sign which says I cannot of admittance!!!! Sorry Micki, I will keep trying.


  4. Really lovely, Bill.

    By the way, I've posted that darling video of Smokey on Meditation Matters!

  5. Bonsoir.
    En France aussi les magnolias sont en fleurs et c'est magnifique...
    D'ailleurs, nous avons un très beau temps, bien ensoleillé.

  6. Après tant de pluie et de neige, vous devez être prêt pour beau temps.

    Zhu - I hope the weather in Ottawa does not send you into shock. Spring will come there eventually. I have enjoyed your adventure.

    Anne - try registering with blogger and using that name. It may recognize you.


Please leave a comment if you like. I enjoy hearing from you and will reply to questions if time permits.

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