Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Here is the angel who made my birthday so special. Thank you Saint Susan!

We all piled on the sofa for a group picture before we devoured the cake. The only person missing from this photograph is the person who did all the work. Susan is behind the camera taking the picture.

Jason and his wife Carrie, 3 year old daughter Macey, and 9 month old son Hunter.

Mike and his wife Amberlee, and son Gavin. Gavin will be 2 later this month.

My youngest son Luke and his girlfriend Cara. Of course Smokey the party dog was here.

This evening Susan made a nice dinner of spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread followed by her famous banana-nut cake. I invited my son Luke and Mike and Jason who were soccer buddies of his from back in elementary school. They both spent a lot of time at my house and are like sons to me. It was very nice to get them all together. It has been a long time since they played soccer together. They will all 3 turn 30 within the next year.


  1. Hello,
    Hapy birthday Bill ! What a beautifull familly !
    It's funny, yesterday, I invite my parents, my uncle for celebrate ... my birthday !! (I was born on 5th march!) Unfortunally, I didn't take any photos. So happy birthday to ... us !
    Lot of kisses

  2. Happy Birthday Bill - all the way from Norway!

    Great to see you had such a great time gathered with your family and thanks for sharing with us :-)


  4. Happy birthday to Bill and Micki - that's a lovely shot of Saint Susan.
    Some people take good photographs and others not - you two are very photogenic.
    Micki, I'm still trying to work out how to get into your blog.
    Unfortunately, I'm not computer-savvy so it's taking me a little while BUT I will continue pressing buttons to try and reach you!


  5. Anne - to get to Micki's blog just click the link from my blog roll.


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