Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sarah's Day -- Breakfast

Her French Toast came with birthday candles. What we call french toast is bread soaked in egg then cooked like a pancake.

We took her to breakfast at the Blue Dome Diner where her Uncle Luke fixed her special French Toast. Sue had a nice quiche, and I had my favorite, pancakes with walnuts and fresh blueberries.

Her father, my eldest son Adam and his family, live in the house I grew up in in Wagoner, Oklahoma.

My beautiful granddaughter Sarah was 14 on January 30. Today we belatedly brought her over for a special day with us. We picked her up this morning at her home in Wagoner and brought her to visit us in Tulsa.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I think french toast is what we call Pain perdu (lost read !) we put bread in milk and after in egg and we frie it, with suggar is wonderfull !
    happy birthday Sarah !


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