Monday, February 16, 2009

Breakfast with Alan

We agree on most things and argue about others, but one thing we always agree on is the waffles at BBD, cooked with pecans inside and an assortment of fresh fruit on top. That and a bottomless cup of coffee is a great way to start the day.

My friend Alan called over the weekend and invited me to join him for breakfast this morning at BBD -- that's Brookside By Day for those who are not familiar with midtown Tulsa.

Alan is probably the best friend I have ever had and is like a brother to me. Alan is the kind of friend who knows everything about you and loves you anyway. He is a busy guy and about the only time we can get together to catch up with each other is at breakfast.


  1. Hello,
    nice to meet you Alan !!
    A breakfast at BBD is a very serious thiing !! i don't know if I coulp eat a thing like this waffles !!! or i will never eat more during one week !!
    I hope that the translation works well on my blog...
    Have a nice day

  2. Friends are so important - I'm meeting one of my closest for lunch today. We two do seem to do a lot of stuff on food - could be why we both have slightly fuller figures!!!!


  3. Sharing a meal is an ancient form of communion.


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