Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still Slick

The sleet stopped overnight although it is still very cold. The sun is shining but there is a thick layer of hard ice all over everything. Sue has gone cautiously out to the market to get a few necessities. Poor Smokey is out of dog food. When he comes to where we are sitting, lays his head on our knee and looks at us with sad eyes we know it is time to check his dog food dispenser. She also got me the ingredients for a good pot of chili. This is chili weather.


  1. hello.

    "chili con carne" ?
    Un plat délicieux et qui réchauffe quand il fait très, très froid !
    Personnellement, j'y ajoute quelques gouttes de Tabasco !!!!
    caresses à Smokey.

  2. Chili Con Carne est que la viande, Chili aux haricots est aussi le nom emplies. Oui, peut être ajouté Tabasco au goût. Essayez ma recette.


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