Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Packing Marjorie

Mike and Amber are doing all the work and won't let us pay them what it is worth. We will enjoy a nice dinner when we finish. Thanks guys.


  1. Hello,
    you are very lucky to have friends as Mike and Amber. i hope Susan's mother feel better, it's very difficult for old person to change her home.
    I wish a happy birthday to Susan !

  2. I do hope Marjorie manages to settle into her new home. Living alone as I do, this is something I have discussed with my son. None of us want to go into care but sometimes we're left with no option. However, it must be a help for you and Susan to have good neighbours to help at this problematic time. Do hope everyone settles into a good routine.

    Were you a good husband and treated your lady wife to a meal out to celebrate her birthday?

  3. On a totally different topic. I'm so disappointed that we both left a comment on "Garden Geezer's" blog site and he hasn't acknowledged our interest. I was fascinated as he's a Brit and had hoped to get into correspondence as I have with you.


  4. After the big move we went to one of our favorite restaurants, a little family owned Mexican place and had chicken burritos. Susan even had a margarita. She earned it. I toasted her with my usual iced tea. Drinking iced tea may sound barbaric to an english woman but it is standard here.

    Garden Geezer sounded like an interesting guy but I never heard from him. People we meet on the internet are often like ships in the night.

  5. I'm very much a newcomer to this but my feeling is it's his loss not bothering with two such enthusiastic bloggers. Perhaps he'll get round to us when he has time?

    I tried iced tea when I was on Maui and in San Francisco but, oh dear, it's simply a cold drink and doesn't even taste of tea. I love my cuppa - my drink of choice:-)



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