Monday, December 22, 2008

Greetings from Smokey

My dear Susan has returned from her long journey. I took her to a favorite restaurant, fed her, and brought her home and put her to bed. I hope she sleeps well and feels more rested tomorrow. Unfortunately we have to be up early in the morning and drive 3 hours to attend the funeral of har son-in-law's father who died unexpectedly over the weekend. It is a sad time for a funeral.

On a more cheerful note, here is a Christmas picture from our noble dog Smokey. He would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year. And so do Susan and I.


  1. Bonjour.

    Mes remerciements à Smokey à qui j'envoie quelques caresses.
    merci de vos bons voeux de Noël et recevez les nôtres, Sue et vous.

  2. This is an outstanding picture.

    Please tell Smokey that I hope he has the best New Year ever!


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