Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Sunday after Christmas

A belated birthday cake for baby Jesus.


  1. Bonsoir.

    Délicieuse tradition !
    Bisous à tous les deux et caresses à Smokey.

  2. What a lovely idea - never heard of that one before. Sorry I've been silent for a while but Sharon is out saying her last goodbyes so I have the computer bedroom to myself until she returns!

    She leaves for home tomorrow after a good visit - it's been lovely having her home again AND, even better, she returns in September for five days so that's something to look forward to.

    A happy and healthy New Year to you and yours.


  3. Nice to hear from you again. I know you have been busy with Sharon. My 3 sons all live nearby and I don't see them often enough. Enjoy her while you can, and give her my best wishes for the New Year. You girls did a good job on the puzzle.


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