Friday, November 28, 2008

Smokey Takes a Nap

Why would Smokey decide to sleep in a flower pot? I don't know, but he's a big dog. He sleeps where ever he likes.


  1. Because he was tired?

    Btw: From the pic I can tell autumn has come to your part of the world too - hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Whatever floats his boat I suppose.

    Hope your Mum-in-law is on the road to recovery and I guess your wife will be busy filling the freezer for you whilst she is away.


  3. Must be a back to the womb thing.

  4. That is so funny, you never know what gets in the head of a critter.

  5. That does seem like an odd place to sleep - but other animals seem to find comfort in surprising places.

  6. Ours is not to question why, but to ask why not?


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