Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rat Pack at the PAC

The impersonators are close if not dead on, but a good show In it's own right. Sorry no good photographs but cameras not allowed during the performance. A lot of these folks are from the UK it turns out. Nice job, very professional.


  1. I bought a dvd thinking I was buying the genuine Rat Pack but, sadly, they were the sing-alikes.
    For me, disappointing, purely because I had settled down to go down memory lane with the real thing.

    I rarely go to the theatre but when Sharon comes home for Christmas I have booked seats for us to see The Nutcracker. I have never been to the ballet before so one more wish crossed off "things to do before I die" list.


  2. Bonjour.
    L'avantage d'habiter une très grande ville, c'est qu'il y a beaucoup d'animations !

  3. The problem with recordings of Sinatra, Martin, and Davis is that those of our generation have heard the real thing so many times that nobody else sounds exactly right.


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