Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Quiet Sunday

These hardy chrysanthemums bloom somewhat in the spring then grow rank over the summer to put on a very nice display in the fall. They all come from a single potted mum I bought at plant nursery years ago and tossed aside when the frost nipped it.

To my surprise they emerged again in the spring so I dug a hole and gave them a spot. Over the years I have spread them out and let them take over the bed.

They coexist nicely with the day lilies, dwarf crepe myrtle, and climbing roses on the porch posts. The idea is that something is blooming all the time with practically no effort on my part.


  1. hi papaw =) those are pretty flowers

  2. Lovely flowers indeed and how nice to have them in your garden.

    You know I love nature and flowers too and last Sunday we had a nice walk to see the beauty of fall - I'll post about it later tonight (or if to late, tomorrow).


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